Delta College camp offers fun, learning

By Scott Lehmann

Delta College Arts & Sciences Summer Camp is a free and fun camp to let middle school kids experience college classes. Noor, a SASA student,  says “It’s a good learning experience.” It offers classes like Video and Multimedia, Theater, Bio Chemistry and many more. In theater kids are putting on a play called Jungle Book. In video and multimedia students are filming and editing movies that they made. This year about 45 students attended.

Students gather around a cow heart in Body Mysteries Unraveled.

Philosophy Instructor Kirk Wolf is the founder of this camp. He created this camp in 2007 and that year he had about 100 students show up. He did this camp to “enrich education of local middle schools” said Kirk. He started the camp by asking his collies at the college to teach some different classes with him during the summer. Then he went to local middle school and identified smart kids to come to the camp. In the future “I would like to have more funds, to have more classes, for more kids” said Kirk.

It is one good summer camp and you should plan on coming here next year.

–       Scott, 13, stays indoors most of the summer when not visiting water parks orthe Rock & Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland. 

Summer Reading: Author Ally Carter

New York Times Best-Selling Author

By Colleen Hawke

Ally Carter was born Sarah Leigh Fogleman in Oklahoma to a school teacher and rancher.  She graduated high school as co-valedictorian and went on to study at Oklahoma University and Cornell.  Before settling on becoming a professional writer, she studied agriculture.

Ally wrote her first book Cheating at Solitaire in 2005 followed by the sequel Learning to Play Gin in 2006.  She is best known for her Gallagher Girls series including: I’d Tell You I Love You but Then I’d Have to Kill You (2006), Cross my Heart and Hope to Spy (2007), Don’t Judge a Girl by Her Cover (2009), Only the Good Spy Young (2010)and Out of Sight, Out of Time(March 20, 2012).  She is also well known for her Heist Society series including: Heist Society (2010) and Uncommon Criminals (2011).

So far her books have been published in 20 countries and appeared on best-seller lists from the New York Times, USA Today, the Wall Street Journal, Barnes and Noble, Indiebound, and Bookscan.  In addition to those great accomplishments she also won many awards for her books:

-2011 Texas Lone Star Reading List (Heist Society)

-2010 YALSA Teens Top Ten Books (Heist Society)

Furthermore, she won multiple awards for the Gallagher Girls books.  She has another great achievement that many authors don’t have; her book Heist Society will be turned into a film courtesy of Drew Barrymore.  As of right now, Barrymore is signed on as a producer but might also serve as director to this upcoming film.  The first book in the Gallagher Girls series was optioned to Disney as a film in 2005, but that option expired.  Ally is still quite hopeful that eventually her hit series will be visible for all on the big screens.

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Top 5 Michigan beaches revealed

By Tianna Lazaruk

Hello fellow beach goers! Here in this wonderful state we call Michigan, there are some really awesome beaches to go to. Here aare  just five out of the many that we have!

In Saugatuck, Michigan, lies one of the 25th best beaches in the world, Oval Beach. Oval beach in extremely clean and is named by MTV one of the most beautiful beaches in the U.S. There are large parking areas, swing sets, concession stands, and restrooms. A great place to cool out with the whole family!

Pere Marquette in Muskegon, Michigan is our next beach. People have said that it feels like Florida with the long, white, sandy beaches. You almost forget that you’re still in Michigan!

At the state park in Traverse City, Michigan, you got 700 feet of beach on East Bay, picnic area, and plenty of parking spaces! Many people enjoy coming to Traverse City for the beach, but don’t forget to pick up some cherries why you’re there!

In Tawas, Michigan, at the state park, you can pick from warm waters in Tawas Bay in one side of the point or colder waters and big waves in Lake Huron on the other side of the point. Two different waters, one great place!

And last but not least, Caseville, Michigan. Most everybody loves Caseville Beach! Caseville is big and never really crowded and awesome place to go when you just want to spend a day at the beach.

–       Tiana enjoys visiting the beach, camping, and spending time at her Grandma’s cabin in the summertime.


Alexis tells you how to……..

By Alexis Nutall

Summer may almost be over but you can still have fun!

Go outside. Stay Fit. Invite over friends Here are some tips of how to make 2011 the best summer ever!

 How to make a perfect smore:

1. Put down a graham cracker

2. Roast I huge fluffy marshmallow

3. Put on 2 pieces of Hershey’s chocolate

4. Put down another graham cracker


 How to stay healthy:

1. Have protein

2. Eat grains such as bread or cereal

3. Drink milk

4. Eat fruit and vegetables

5. Have the right amount of sugar in your diet


How to make new friends:

1. Greet them

2. Start a conversation

3. Give them a compliment

4. Hang out with them


How to host a sleepover:

1. Do makeovers

2. Go somewhere with your friends

3. Watch a movie

4. Keep your guests entertained. Give them something to do

5. Go to bed at a decent time so your guests aren’t tired in the morning


How to have a great summer:

1. DON’T stay indoors, go outside

2. Go swimming. It’s a nice way to cool off in the summer

3. Invite over friends, it’s a nice way to see them during the summer

4. Push your summer to the max and try to have all the fun you can while schools out!

Thanks for reading my article and I hope you follow some of these summer tips!


–      Alexis  loves Traverse City with its great hotels and   awesome Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes tour and the view of Lake Michigan. Cooling down is definitely necessary in summer and the way Alexis does that is by swimming or going in her Grandma’s AC. Alexis’s favorite summer foods are bratwursts.   Alexis wishes, like most kids do, that summer lasted more than three pathetic months. 



Beat boredom with activities and sports

By Michaela Garcia



Kelyn Blenkhorn



Summer is always the best time of year for kids, but apparently some kids get bored all the time.  We talked to several students who have found a way to fill their free time with a variety of sports and other activities.

Swimming was one of the most popular ways for young people to stay active and keep cool.

Kiersten Anderson, 14, from Bay City says, “swimming is the best in the summer, it keeps you cool.”

Michaela, 13, likes swimming at her aunt’s pool, while Emily, 12, prefers the Country Club pool.

Sydney, 12, says, “I just like the fact that while I’m swimming it is just a nice refreshing way to cool off.”

Alexis, 11, says, “I like going under water best about swimming.”

Chase , 12, likes  “diving, jumping, and going under water while swimming to cool off on hot summer day.”

Even though we live in the Great Lakes State, some people, like Kylie, 16, prefers pools to freshwater because of her dislike of “slimy fish.”

But swimming isn’t the only way to fill the hot summer days and long summer nights.

Angelica Gomez, 13 , from Bay City said “Having a sleepover with your friends is always great, it’s fun to just relax with each other!”

Julie Mahoney, 15,  from Bay City says “It’s best to bike ride at night, it cools you off and is a good way to end your day.”

Lucas Antonio, 9,  from Bay City says “The best thing about camping is you can do it anywhere. Even indoors!!”

Ellie, 12, enjoys burning off energy playing basketball. Her favorite thing about the game?


Looks like everybody has a different opinion about their favorite activities. So if you’re a bored kid at home in the summer, these activities will sure help you to a fantastic, safe summer!!                                                                                                                       _

Teens find Summer jobs

Lifeguard Jenna ready for action.

By Erika Wilson

We all know about the traditional jobs for teens to take part in during the summer like a lemonade stand, mowing lawns, and starting a car wash. All of these are used for us teens to get a little extra cash. But what are some of the jobs that pay more but take up extra time?

Well, there’s always the lifeguards that are paid 8 to 9 dollars an hour, but you have to be good at paying attention, be able to enforce the rules, and it’s pretty important to know how to swim! I had the opportunity to talk to a life guard at Delta College about her job. Her name was Jena and she works 25 hours a week and gets payed 8.20 an hour. She said that she does not mind working there but it gets really hot in there, I agree and I was only in there for a short time!

Some other jobs would be working in a restaurant or working at a movie theater. Both jobs pay around 7 to 9 dollars an hour. You have to be good with people and easy to talk with. Plus if you work at a theater you might be able to see one of the movies and popcorn all for free.

Now if you like kids,   then you should be a babysitter. Emily Hill, 12,  babysits 2-3 kids ages 5-9,  3-4 hours twice a week and makes 10-15 dollars. Then there was Megan Donnelly, 13,  who babysits 3 kids ages 2, 6,and 7  a couple of hours 2-3 times a week and makes 5 dollars an hour.  You can also work as a camp counselor. With this job you can do day camps or over nights. You must be patiant and be able discipline but still have fun. These are some great jobs if you like kids!

This are just a few of the great jobs that us teens can get to make a few more bucks this summer. You do need to remember one thing that you have to be responsible with all these jobs but you should also have as much fun as possible.

Beat the Heat

By Noor Bhagwagar

Hot: a one word description of the summer. This summer feels hotter than ever. The heat wave in West Michigan last week was one of the hottest that we have had for a little while. July 20ths heat index readings were the hottest since 1999. This kind of heat is uncommon. Over the last twelve years, we have had temperatures in the triple-digits six times.

Bill Stec, age 29, loves the summer. He beats the heat by drinking lots of water every day. Another local, Ranjana Dutta, age 50, has a neat way to beat the heat. During the summer she likes to spend time with her kids and enjoy the changes outdoors. She beats the heat by swimming, preferably in outdoor pools. These are some ways locals beat the heat.

If you think that it is hot here, you should visit India during the summer. Dilnavaz Bhagwagar, age 68, is visiting from India. It gets up to 118 degrees there. She has one unique way to beat the heat. She claims that if you put a slightly smashed onion in your pocket, the onion will absorb the heat so that the person doesn’t feel hot.

That is one innovative way to beat the heat. Some people, like Scott Lehmann, age 13, beat the heat by staying inside. These people all gave great advice on how to beat the heat which you should follow. Hopefully with this information, you will keep cool, and enjoy the rest of your summer.

Kids Pick Their Fav Summer Foods


By: Emily Hill

What is your favorite summer food? I interviewed 22 Kids to see what their favorite summer foods were. The favorite was watermelon. Kids seem to love it. A 10 year old named Betsy said, “I love watermelon, it’s so juicy.”

In 2nd place is hot dog with 4 votes. A 9 year old named Zach said,” I like cheese on my hotdog.”

Tied for 3rd and 4th place is corn on the cob and smores. For the recipe to the perfect smore go to “How to” By Alexis Nutall. A 9 year old named Ally said “Smores are so fun to make and eat.” In last place are hamburgers with 2 votes.

Advice: Visit Summer Hot Spots

Top 3 Summer Hot Spots

In Uncategorized on July 24, 2011 at 8:59 pm

Your Summer Guide to Fantastic Fun!

By Sydney Hutchison

              Welcome to  Sydney’s Super Summer Advice Column! I am so excited to help all my readers find the best places to take your family on vacation. These hotspots will be a fabulous place and time for everyone. Listen up and start making some reservations! Here comes the Michigan Hotspot count down!

  •  3• Traverse City is an awesome place to vacation. So many activities are offered there, anywhere from go karting to fun in the sun! With so many beautiful beaches and water parks, you won’t have any time to stop and think! Do you prefer relaxation? Come on down to the Great Wolf  Lodge and get away from your little annoying siblings and your nagging parents! Everyone has their own activity to enjoy! And if you’re looking for a one of a kind adventure, head on down to the Sleeping Bear Sand Dunes for a scenic guided tour or hike! Don’t wait! Book your hotel today!
  • 2• Are you ready to hear my second place winning hot spot? Here are a few great hints! There are inland lakes practically everywhere you look. With a great downtown shopping area near Lake Michigan it’s hard to beat. Any idea? It’s beautiful Ludington, Michigan! Ludington has so much to offer from Gordy’s Skate Shop (any skating fans out there?) to Le Serving Spoon an adorable little restaurant perfect for lunch. With great resorts right on inland lakes like Woodard’s Blue Lake Resort they are guaranteed to keep you occupied all day! Head on down to Ludington, Michigan and I am sure you’ll have a great time!
  • 1• Here’s the moment you’ve been waiting for! Number 1 in the Top 3 Michigan Hotspots countdown is…………. MUNISING! Munising, Michigan is a small town right on Munising Bay in Lake Superior. Being secluded from busy city life makes it perfect for the attraction here you need to see. It’s the Pictured Rocks! The Pictured Rocks are a beautiful natural landmark and they are something you need to see when you go to Munising. Ferry Boats are scheduled at many times to go off and take tours on the bay.  There are also many secret waterfalls. When I went to Munising I saw at least 8! They are SO beautiful and I highly recommend looking into this trip. Bon Voyage!